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Q: Art Theme

The rules state that art must be "themed on a guest of Comic Conroe." Should I assume that this also includes all characters depicted by the guests? Is there a complete list of all guests and their character depictions on the website? Also, one of the main guests is listed as an artist. Can entries be based on the characters he has illustrated? There are only 5 people listed as guests on the website. Is that the complete list?  



Artists may theme the artwork on any guest relating to the guest actor or guest artist. Please feel free to get creative whether basing on a character or the actor themself. (obviously in good taste). 


Q: Announcing Winners

When it is stated that "contestants must be present at Comic Conroe," does that mean that all contestants must be present for all three days of the event at all times? Or that they must attend at least one day? Or that they must simply be present during the announcement of the winner on the 24th? Will the announcement also be made in person at the event or only online?     



Contestants need to be there for the announcment of winners on Saturday. It doesnt have to be the whole weekend. Winner will be announced at the event and online. 


Q: What happens to my art if it doesn’t sell?

Are all applicants required to sell their pieces? And if so, will they be relinquishing all rights to the art afterwards?   



Artists are required to offer their art for sale as part of the point system is based on bid amount. If the art does not sell It will then be put in our online gallery and we have the right to use it for promotional purposes or include in published content. The artist keeps the original art if it does not sell. This contest is not only meant to showcase art in a competitive environment but also to allow artists a platform to have their art, name, and brand promoted and get their art sold. 


Q: Is there an age limit for contestants?

Is there an age bracket for the applicants or will art be divided into age categories? It seems unfair to put young applicants in the same competition as seasoned artists with decades of experience.     



There is no age limit on this promotion. In the future ASC will have age brackets but right now we don't have enough contenders of various ages and stages to make that happen so its a free for all (which is cool in many ways.) How many kids get to say they competed against pros? Also there are proteges out there that can create fantastic art. However if the contender is under 18 then the parent or guardian must be present and handle any monetary or business transactions. 


Q: How will art be submitted? Does all art need to be in digital format?    



Here's the link for submissions: . The art must be submitted digitally. The art can be created in any size or medium. However, it must be digitally submitted with a high resolution 300dpi scanned file to be used for promotional and published content uses. 


Q: Where are the social media “likes” scored?

One of the categories for points is based on Facebook and Instagram likes. Is that for only personal accounts or for the Comic Conroe accounts? This will also only allow for up to three days for this category as all art is required to be submitted by the 20th while the winner will be announced on the 24th. The current time frame also only allows for artists to create their submissions within the next two weeks. What will the time frame be for next year's event? 



The "likes" on this promotion will be scored from the Comic Conroe and Art Slinging Championship fb  & Instagram pages combined. You mentioned that the last submission date is the 20th and only allows 3 days. Yes this is true that's why we encourage the artists to submit the art asap so they have more time to get likes and have their friends and family get on board to rack up as many likes as possible on their entry. Next year will have more time. 

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